Jun 17, 2008 23:13
Rreeaalllyyy enjoyed Death Proof and Planet Terror.
Stupid. Silly. Insanely funny. Shocking in parts and with excellent soundtracks. Hotness. Brutal hotness. Several layers of wrong. Serious wrong including a Tarantino
scene in Planet Terror which may haunt me to the end of my days. It also has Royal Pain [of Sky High 'fame'] in Death Proof as a cheerleader......
They are a bit like Kill Bill Vol I & II in that obviously the story flows across two movies, however the story is not continuous as it is in KB, though there are recurring characters which are somewhat surreal if you watch Planet Terror first as Flatmate K and I did. The style is like seventies shlock horror kitsch glory but there are obvious tricks like switching from monochrome to full technicolour and having little bits like a hair across the screen or the reel breaking and in the scenes ramping up to go more than a bit porny, the reel shudders and moves on a scene. Often leaving out dialogue you have to grasp later.
This sounds like it should really piss you off but it's all part of the style of it. It feels a bit Sin City as well of course, up to and including having Rosario Dawson in it. Discussing Pretty in Pink.
There are quite a few references to other tarantino movies as well.
I also wish the movie 'Machete' was actually real now, which appears as a 'trailer'.
In short, I have heard there is bad press about the movies out there in the world, and I say unto thee.
"There are few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel."