Jul 28, 2003 06:45
The discussion of privacy and writing about your life on Live Journal came up on one of my friends journals.
Here is something I came up with in response, so I cut and paste it for discussion:
No one really has as much privacy as they think they have. Therefore it's liberating to just talk about your life and your loved ones anyway. Once you get over that you can truly be free.
And this goes way beyond Live Journal.
Think about it. You have a lot of friends. Say, one friend had a little too much to drink, and she'll tell something to someone else. I've had so many people betray my trust over the years, that I've coped the attitude, hey, this is my life, this is what I do, and whoever knows -- big deal. People are going to love you or hate you according to their standards anyway, so why not be truly honest. I'd rather be hated for who I really am than loved for something I'm not. (Mind you if people are jealous, they will twist the truth anyway -- especially if you're a pretty girl, as people just LOVE to hate pretty girls).
And as for privacy of others, if people are in my life, anything I write about them on Live Journal, I would say to their face. WHAT REALLY ANNOYS ME and I think is disrespectful is when people let their significant others read their friends list (locked entries and all).
If you want to talk privacy, people on my friends list know they have it!! I would NEVER let a significant other read a locked friend's list. THAT IS A BETRAYAL OF TRUST.
A revelation came to me about five years ago when I was making my film short. During a break we were playing Truth or Dare. The director said, "Ask me ANYTHING. I'll tell you the truth." I asked, "Why?" He said the most brilliant thing I've ever head, "If you keep this skeleton in this closet and that skeleton in that closet ... you'll forget what skeleton is in what closet and you'll end up in trouble. So there are no skeletons in any closet."
I'm not saying I have no skeletons in closets, but as the skeletons are less and less, I feel BETTER about myself in general. It's so healthy and liberating not to have too many secrets. Just, fucking LIVE people. LIVE.
Is it all going to matter after we're dead?????