Character: Mukuro Rokudou
Katekyou Hitman Reborn!Character Age: Junior High School aged, 14-15ish?
Canon: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! is a comedy-action-what-the-hell-that-baby-has-a-bazooka story about a kid training to be a mafia boss. Along the way Tsuna (potential mafia boss and current moderately ungifted teen) encounters the typical enemies-turned-allies, enemies who want to just use him for his body and whacky hijinks that can only come from a Japanese comic book.
Mukuro Rokudou falls into the second category, mostly. His appearance in the Reborn! manga is heralded by a rash of assaults on school kids and the taking of their teeth. Worse than the tooth fairy, he's a guy who was exiled from the mafia. Mukuro is usually collected, behaves as though he is unapologetically better than you and maintains an illusion of polite ego. Mukuro is one of the masters of badtouch and raepination as one of his abilities is to possess other people's bodies and another is to create illusions. He loathes the mafia and can come off as a bit heartless. Despite this he also seems to deeply care for his subordinates.
Sample Post:
Welcome to Camp Fuck You Die! A pleasurable and pleasant experience for all involved! We've included a few pamphlets for your enjoyment to heighten your Camp experience! Please, enjoy your stay!*
*Residency restrictions may apply. Must be 21 or younger to enter at this time. If you are pregnant, have liver failure or are missing some organs please check into hospital at once and don't sue our asses. Not enjoying your time here is entirely not our fault, suck it up.
What a warm and inviting welcome, and a starter kit, how fun. My, you're a very thoughtful Director, going to all this trouble to make me feel welcome. It's even got my name on it and everything. Cute. It's quite the unusual grab-bag, a shotgun, laptop and … support group pamphlets? As I said, you're very thoughtful~.
Oh, that was rather careless of me. I've already run out of shells for my shotgun and made a bit of a mess. For all your consideration you seem to have hired incompetent and rude help - rather fitting of their background, I suppose. I'm sure your birds really just meant well, but you know what they say about voices in your head! Far better to eliminate all the noisy stupid ones, especially if they're not yours. Well, maybe they don't say that, but I certainly don't have any patience for tropical birds pretending they can speak Italian. I do however have patience for dead would-be feathered mafia carcasses. Funny how that works.
Mmm, well, that shotgun's usefulness was brief, wasn't it? Let's see if anything else can be of use. "From Enemies to Allies, a Guide on Sorting Through Your Badtouch Experiences or Expertise" does sound informative, but not for me. I'm sure there are many others who would benefit from it, however. They all seem to have a theme, it's as though you're trying to tell me something… but unfortunately I've never been very good at listening to authority.
Also, this laptop must be someone else's and is quite unusable. It says I've been banned from livejournal for a set of interests I never typed in. I certainly wouldn't fill my bio full of things like: tooth removal, rape, moar rape, mostest rape, tooth fetish and killing those mafia bastards.
…Well, one of those things is not quite like the other and far more acceptable than the rest.