May 18, 2005 16:24
Well since I haven't posted here in ages I thought I would update everyone on my life. First of all I got a new job! Its with a really awesome bank, First National Bank of Arizona, and I get 4 weeks paid vacation a year! Thats not including personal days and sick days and such. I'm really excited for this new opportunity.
The other big thing lately is that I just got out of the hospital. I got strep last week and it wasn't getting better so finally on monday I went back to the doctor and he said oh you have an abscess on your tonsil you have to go to the ER to get it drained. I went to the ER and they checked me in and said, its not an abscess, your infection has spread from your tonsils through your sinuses and its about to go to your brain. They hooked me up to a bunch of iv antibiotics and pain killers as well as fluids and nutrients since I hadn't eaten or drank in days. The doctor came in like an hour later and was like how are you feeling and I was like "Gweat!!" I was SO doped up, and having such a blast. The guy next to me was on Heroine and yelling obscenities at everyone who walked by. My friend Paul who was sitting next to me was in jeans and a tee shirt and he looked at him and said "Dr! Dr!, can't you see I'm in pain! I need methodone! Fuck you!" I was laughing so hard that my iv almost came out. Finally they let me go home around 6 yesterday but with lots of percoset and vicodin and all those good things and I'm finally feeling better. Just really tired and still a little under the weather.
My brother is having a little girl! I just found that out and I can't wait to turn her into a Hello Kitty lover like me!
Hope everyone is doing good!