Title: Hearts & Flowers
Pairing: Rose/Nine
Rating: PG
Word Count: 470(ish)
Summary Warning: The Doctor will give you cavities.
Notes: • Written for (and x-posted to) the third
o_b_b challenge, to wit: The Valentine's Day challenge. "There's RARELY a Nine fiction where his sadness, depression, and angst don't come through ... In honor of Nine's bitterness and ours, let's give him a break. Write a Nine fic of AT LEAST 200 words (no drabbles to bypass angst with speed) in which Nine is completely happy. No angst whatsoever."
• Actually started around V-Day and temporarily abandoned when I got a bit distracted for a few days. But No More Unfinished Fic! So here it is.
• Also, curse you,
lightningbug_88, for making us write the happy! Angst is so much more ... angsty. (Hee!)
"Okay. How's this?" Rose asked.
"Hmm ... tastes awfully pink."
"Pink? Oh, hell," Rose pouted. "That was the strawberry creme. I wanted that one!"
"There's got to be another. There were six of those terrible nougatty ones." The Doctor picked up the box and peered into its heart-shaped lid. "Look, there's a map!" he noticed excitedly. Rose glanced over, took the rest of the box and began poking at the chocolates still nestled inside.
"They only ever give you a couple of the good ones," she complained. "One strawberry, one coconut, and the rest is all nuts and that weird gooey stuff."
"But there's a map!"
"It's brilliant! You're bloody amazing, you lot. You humans - no other species in the universe would make themselves a map to their sweets! And look, it's even got little pictures! There is another strawberry one, incidentally." He pointed into the box. "Lower left quadrant, near the corner. Just there."
"Oh, cheers." Rose popped the chocolate into her mouth.
The Doctor grinned mischeviously. "Know how I knew it was there?"
She raised an eyebrow.
"It was on the map!" he exclaimed triumphantly.
Rose tried to gaze sternly at him, but the ridiculous smile stretched across his face made the corners of her own mouth twitch. Impulsively she leaned across the table and kissed him; as she pulled away she watched the surprise in his eyes fade quickly into an ever bigger and sillier grin.
"What was that for?" he asked.
"Nine hundred years old, and you still get excited about a box of sweets ... "
"It's a very exciting thing! I never cared much for them myself - "
"Well, there was one type I used to like, but it's been a while ... but look at this!" He held up the shiny red box with its lace edging, embossed roses, and small glittery hearts scattered across the cover. "It's art! Primitive and fairly hideous - actually, it's terrifyingly tacky, really, but what an effort for all that - but there's more! There's sweets inside. And not just tossed in, oh no! They all have their own little, whatsits, these silver crinkly paper things - "
"Those little cups? It's so the chocolates don't stick together."
"But they're pretty, too, don't you see? All shiny ... and then - and then, in case you get lost, there's a map in there, too!" He consulted the pictures, popped a chocolate into his mouth, chewed briefly, and grimaced happily. "It doesn't even matter that the sweets are rubbish - what's a 'praline,' anyhow? It's bloody awful - because the whole thing is so absolutely fantastic!" The Doctor swallowed and sat, gazing happily at Rose. "Just fantastic." Rose smiled back.
"Happy Valentines' Day to you, too," she whispered, and leaned across to kiss him again.