Drabble: Chill

Feb 08, 2007 01:37

Title: Chill
Pairing: Jack/Nine
Rating: R
Word Count: 385(ish)
Summary: The Doctor catches a chill.
Notes: • Written for (and x-posted to) the second o_b_b challenge, to wit: Write a fanfic that leads to some smut (because it's always more fun with some smut), where the Doctor is completely clueless as to the science in a situation. Here's the challenging part: it has to be real science. Something of Earth that the Doctor does not understand. It cannot be an alien science the writer makes up to flummox the Doctor.
• Because: I spent all evening working on a longer fic that turned out to be utter shite and depressed me to the point of near-total and completely-deserved deletion; and smutty drabble is just more fun.
• Also because: It is utterly freezing in this godforsaken city tonight.

(Additionally x-posted to doctorslashjack. So there.)


"Just warm me up!"

Jack shrugged and pulled the Doctor's leather jacket off with one practised motion.

The Doctor yelped in surprise. "What d'you think you're doing?" he hissed through chattering teeth. Jack tugged the Doctor's jumper over his head and tossed it aside.

"Warming you up."

"How'd you mean?"

"Best way I know how. Stop shivering."

"I can't!"

"Why didn't you wear a real coat, then?" Jack purred into his ear. He slipped his hands under the Doctor's shirt, pulled it off, and bent to flick his tongue across a nipple. "It's freezing out there, you know."

The Doctor growled, shivered, and pulled him close. "I did notice, yeah. Do that again."

"What, that?"

"Mmmm, yeah ... anyway, it wasn't supposed to be that cold. The external sensors must be off again."

Jack bit gently at his neck and felt the Doctor harden unmistakably against his thigh as he pressed closer. "Must have been the wind chill factor, then," he murmured, unbuttoning the Doctor's trousers and slipping a hand inside.

"The what?"

"Hmm? The wind chill factor?"

"What's that, then?"

Jack blinked at him in surprise. "What do you mean?" he asked. "You don't know what it is?"

"Obviously not. I didn't tell you to stop doing that, did I?" Jack's fingers circled his cock again and slowly drew down its length. "That's better," he growled. "Now, what's this wind chill thing?"

"You're serious, aren't you?"


Jack sighed and rolled his eyes. "It's how the wind makes it feel colder than it is. It's actually thirty degrees, but it feels like ten below, like that. There's a whole chart," he explained. The Doctor shook his head.

"No such thing."


"Stupid ape nonsense. Must be."

Jack took his hand from the Doctor's trousers and raised an eyebrow. "Still cold?" he asked sweetly.

"Freezing, as a matter of fact. I thought you were supposed to be doing something about that. And if this wind factor thing does exist, I do happen to have a lower body temperature than humans to begin with, so - "

"I've noticed," Jack murmured. "I can tell when you're inside me, you know. Speaking of which - "

"That'd do nicely," the Doctor grinned, pulling him close again. "And what do you know ... I've stopped shivering already."

fic, jack, nine, dr who, drabble

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