Wherein Izzy finds the balance between pens and knitting needles:

Apr 14, 2007 16:29

I'll cop to not having written much of anything of late - with the excuse that, just recently having returned home after my protracted absence, I've been catching up with various and sundry folks, and not holed up antisocially with the laptop in a freezing apartment 3000 miles away. Writing is, unfortunately, not such a social activity, but knitting, happily, can be (cheers, by the way, to Bob and Linda down the pub, for putting up with my Wool Amongst The Pints), so I've been spending far more free time with the needles than with the keyboard.

But the brain is itching a bit, and I'm feeling the bite of being out of practice with the writing. (Is there anything worse than a flabby writer?) Just checking in with myself, really, and petting a few of the plotbunnies on the head. Perhaps I shall let one or two out of the pen and let them scamper about for a bit just now.

Also must find a name for knitting plotbunnies ... "woolbunnies"? Because there are more than a few of them dashing about as well.

composing, ephemera

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