
Nov 24, 2006 21:15

So i saw the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix preview the other day and it really looks awesome! I so can't wait to see it. July 13 can't get here fast enough.
I'm kinda bummed about his hair. I mean he's supposed to have like unruly hair but now it's all cut and neat. I'm sorry if I'm just being pisky but why do they have to change it? I loved it in the third movie! It was perfect then. Absolutely perfect! Mmm...daniel radcliffe! Okay i'm done. moving on.

so i'm also excited about the season finale of avater. YES! i loved the preview for it. PLease let it zutara at last! i so badly want it to be canon. please! they would look so cute together. i mean zuko is the only one who could really handle katara. aang's just not right. sorry all you kataang shippers! c'mon dec 1.

so here's this pic i found that i just want to share with you all. note that it is not mine, and appreciate their work!!

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