I've got too many flyers...
So I'm selling some!
(I'm broke =_= but don't worry..I'm not overcharging!)
Price: $1 per flyer + shipping ($3 US, $5 elsewhere), unless otherwise specified...
Forms of payment accepted: Well-concealed cash (in USD please!), domestic or international postal money orders
* 12012: 1 * Aki: 1 * Bergerac: 1 * BLOOD: * Celia'Xeno: 1 *
* CELLT: 1 * Emmuree: 1 * Undercode V.A. High Style Paradox: 1 * Himitsu Kessha Kodomo A : 3 * Jihad: 1 *
* Kagerou: 1 * kannivalism: 1 * Kazoku: 1 * Kuracchi (Clutch/Klutch): 1 * Kurara Zero Shiki: 1 *
* Nana: 1 * Nanairo Pearl: 1 * Nega x Karma Shenjing: 1 * -OZ-: 1 * Pashya: 1 *
* Phantasmagoria: 1 * Phylia: 1 * V.A. Undercode Pleasure of Destruction: 1 * Prototype: 2 * the Pumpkin Head: 1 *
* Scar.: 1 * Siva ver. 1: 2 * Siva ver. 2: 1 * Sugar: 1 * V.A. Theme for the Wild West: 1 * Vidoll: 3 *
NOT SHOWN: Gab vol. 22, 2 copies
Cover artist: DOREMIdan
Other artists inside: beaU, Kenllre, JACK11, Wizard, Serial Number, Kra, HeaRt, Duel Jewel, Babylon, Billy, the Pumpkin Head, Scar., Aki (SID) + Nero (Merii), Amaterase, GHOST, Dolly, etc.
Price: $2 USD, same shipping applies.
Please comment stating which flyer(s) you would like and an email address that I can contact you at for additional information (address, etc.).
I will be updating this post with changes in inventory, etc.
Reserved flyers:
kagensakura: Gab vol. 22, Kazoku, Nanairo Pearl, Pumpkin Head CANCELLED. These are now up for grabs again!
cassis_x: Gab vol. 22, 12012, High Style Paradox <-EDIT-> Payment received. Sending flyers very shortly.
zerii: Himitsu Kessha Kodomo A, Sugar, Prototype
chitikoo: CELLT, kannivalism, Prototype, Nanairo Pearl <-EDIT-> Payment received September 21st (I got home yesterday..) Will send out flyers ASAP.
missurine: Gab vol. 22
I am SO sorry for delaying the sending for those of you whose payments I have received ;^; I had a bit of a crisis this week because I couldn't find the flyers :O but..luckily, I found them, and bought padded envelopes to send them in, so no worries!