Funeral Arrangements

May 21, 2009 08:39

I’m simple, y’all. I want to be laid to rest on the land that I love. Flint Creek. I said on, not in. Sure I could take the time now to draw up a map of the property to include a family burial ground but let’s be real here…it’d be a party of one. I ain’t under any delusions about that. My brother is at the church cemetery and that’s where Mama and Daddy will want to be too.

As for Anrai…

No, it’d just be me and I ain’t worth all that hassle of plotting out and carvin’ up Flint Creek that way. Besides, it’d be a damned inconvenient location if it has to be at least a hundred and fifty feet from a water supply-it ain’t named Flint Creek for nothin’. And some odd feet from power lines and neighbor’s boundaries. The neighbors are no big deal as my nearest ones are miles away and even where the property lines meet, ain’t no one livin’ near them. Still havin’ all that added to the deed seems a bit goofy to me.

So, no I ain’t goin’ to be buried here. Cremate me and let my ashes go so long as it’s on Flint Creek’s land and part of me ends up stayin’ here for good. Course, I ain’t talked to Anrai about this yet and I suppose I might could change my mind about some of this dependin’ on his thoughts on the matter but come on, y’all. We just got married and I’m due to have a baby in less than a month.

We are not havin’ this conversation right now. Maybe later.

Laine MacEibhir//Flint Creek//262

prompt, theatrical muse

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