May 09, 2009 10:25

Because some of these are inapplicable / lame, just answer the ones you feel like answering ( Read more... )


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sonofgranite May 11 2009, 03:05:47 UTC
1. Who are you?
I AM THE SHADOW THAT STALKS IN THE NIGHT ... and falls asleep in my chair. (hopefully that will change when I get my thyroid treated ...)

2. Yay! How long have we been RPing together?
1 year, 3 months and 15 days. I'd figure the hours and minutes, but that would be anal. ;)

3. What was your first impression about our Rps? (i.e., were you nervous, intimidated, disappointed, impressed, amused, annoyed?)

4. First characters we played together?
Abby and Ruairí, of course!

5. Most amusing scene from one of our Rps?
Nope, sorry, can't narrow it down that far. Ruairí and Abby freaking the bots out with their necking, Peter flailing adorably about his rocker crush Rory, Abby's cheerfully wicked description of the layout of Cait's condo and the various fallout from that, various Liam-Chuck-Marcus goofings ... feel free to add to the list. I'm sure I'm missing a ton.

6. Most depressing?
Ish. Rory and Pippa's breakup tops the list for me. I cried.

7. Sappiest/most romantic?
Just about all of Rory/Pippa when they aren't being minkies, I'd say. Though a few Liam/Chuck moments are up there too.

8. Cutest couple from our Rps?
I think Chuck and Liam take this prize right now for actual cute factor, but they all have their moments.

9. Cutest friends?
Tadhg and Chantal. *mooshes them*

10. What's your favorite character that I play? Why?
"All of them forever" is perhaps not useful, so I'll go with Abby. No wait, Chuck. No, hang on ...

11. Least favorite? Why?
Doesn't exactly apply. I'll go with Pat only because none of mine have really gotten to play with him yet!

12. Something you'd like to RP/see happen in an RP with me at some point (no matter how random!)?
Anything. Everything. I still want to RP Junie visiting Pippa in Venice, Jansen paying Liam a surprise visit and possibly Jack/Cait shenanigans. >_>

13. Name a song that reminds you of one of our couples/one of my characters and why you chose it.
Oh man, Abby will probably bludgeon me for this BUT ... Vienna Teng's "Stray Italian Greyhound" reminds me of how her eternal pessimism has run head-on into Ruairí's eternal optimism.

14. Anything in particular that makes my style of RPing stand out from others'?
You prove that realism, integrity and good writing are FUN.

15. Anything I could improve on?

16. Character of mine you'd like to see more of?
CHANTAL. Plus I miss Peter. *skwidges him*

I shall now sit back and wait for you to tell me I'm high for my picks. ^_^


rein_it_in May 11 2009, 03:49:57 UTC
You're high.


sonofgranite May 11 2009, 03:52:24 UTC
And you do not disappoint me! *mwah*


rein_it_in May 11 2009, 03:55:40 UTC


rein_it_in May 11 2009, 04:06:55 UTC
Also, nothing's stopping Cait from poking at Pat.


a_chaitlin May 11 2009, 04:20:38 UTC
This is true. Nor Rory, Sascha, or any other member of Breaker Street. Or Kia for that matter. How would Pat feel about a cheerfully rowdy rock group plus hangers-on invading Elle for dessert?


rein_it_in May 11 2009, 04:21:57 UTC
He...wouldn't necessarily even know. Chefs don't tend to come out of the kitchen.


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