(no subject)

Jan 15, 2009 04:13

05. Don't give me that bullshit,
you know who I am
[‘One Angry Dwarf and 200 Solemn Faces’ - Ben Folds Five]

It was freezing outside and threatening to snow. He was down in the barn. Again.

Laine swore softly as she washed the dishes left over from breakfast. Quiet, she could handle. Needing to stew over something and turn it around in his mind, she had the patience for. Not wanting to dwell on something painful and troubling, she understood. The flat out refusal to deal with something or even discuss it with her-well, that pissed Laine off.

It had been months since Anrai went to New York to be with his brother, to help him cope with (find, save, heal) that redheaded gal that went missing. She’d let herself get caught up in planning their wedding, gave him his space then. During their honeymoon she wasn’t going to push him to do anything more than have fun. His birthday, Christmas, New Year’s…there was always a reason to put off the confrontation. Some excuse she gave herself and him but the truth was, it rankled her more and more every day. It hurt too, that he couldn’t open up to her about this.

She’d been honest and open with Anrai about everything in her life that had troubled her at one time or another. Shared her fears with him, things that shamed and embarrassed her. Ugly things. Dark things. Why wouldn’t he do the same? Didn’t he trust her? Didn’t he know she wanted nothing more than to help him, support him?

Enough was enough. She shut off the water, dried her hands and went to put on her coat and gloves. It was cold outside and she didn’t relish the walk she made from the house down to the barn but Laine MacEibhir would be damned before she let this silent streak of his frost their relationship.

“Darlin’? We need to talk…” Her tone let the man know that she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Not today.

Laine Anderson//Flint Creek//321

prompt, muse_shuffle, anrai

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