Laine took part in the Hard Interview for Muse_Weekly. Here are her and my answers, copied over from the community. Go, join. There are a lot of other muns and muses that opted to sound off as well.
Interview Questions for the Muses:
1. What's wrong with you?
What’s wrong with you? Ain’t your mama ever teach you some manners?
If you are wantin’ to know about me, mine and my life try wordin’ things a bit better, darlin’. More flies with sugar than vinegar, you know. I guess you could say there was somethin’ wrong with me, was for a long time. I like to think that’s over and done with now. I spent too long mournin’ and grievin’ for someone (don’t get me wrong, I still miss him and love him) in all the wrong ways and for the wrong reasons.
2. In your relationships, are you a success or a failure?
I suppose that depends on how you want to look at things. I’m divorced but we was married for more than twenty years and he’s still one of my best friends. Take from that what you want. Me, I think it says I’m pretty damned good at bein’ someone’s friend even through the bad times.
3. What one thing holds you back from achieving everything you want?
Well damn, did you ask these things with me in mind, sugar? For most of my life I spent my time takin’ care of and doin’ for everyone else. After my brother died, I damned near killed myself to keep Flint Creek (that’d be his…my ranch) runnin’ his way and with his people and his sort of business even though I hated it.
4. On a scale of one to ten, rate your skill/success in the following areas: money, power, sex, love, friendship, family, job, mental health, looks.
Money: I make enough to make ends meet and not have to want for nothin’. I can make my payroll at the end of every month, what more do you need? 10
Power: On the grand scale of things? Ain’t no one but God Almighty got any power but if you want to look at my ranch, I’m the boss and anyone who works at Flint Creek answers to me. 10
Sex: That really ain’t no one’s business but Anrai’s.
Love: I’ve got love for a whole lot of folks and I like to think they love me too. 10.
Friendship: My best friend drives me up a damned wall and has since we was eight years old. I ain’t tellin’ you how long we’ve been friends cause she would scream her damned fool head off it people knew her age, but I’m forty-two. *smirks* 10
Family: In some ways I consider people like my best friend and my ex to be family. It makes me feel like I’ve got a bigger one that the Lord blessed me with. Otherwise it’s just me and Mama and Daddy now. Then again, I’m about to get married and he’s got him a whole mess of family. 8
Job: A few months ago I woulda given this one a 1. Not that the job weren’t no good, I just didn’t love it none. I hate cows. I hate cattle ranchin’. But now me and Anrai are in the process of changin’ things over at Flint Creek. He was a horse trainer and breeder in New Mexico, we’re movin’ his business up here. 10
Mental Health: I’d say a 10 but I got to be fair about this, I’m pretty sure everyone that nows me would give me somethin’ closer to a 5 just to be shitheads. 7
Looks: I’m pretty enough, I suppose. I look a lot like my mama. 7
5. What would your best friend/spouse/lover say is your worst fault? What would your worst enemy say is your greatest strength? I’m stubborn and hardheaded. Works for both, see ain’t that handy?
6. Are you an asshole/dick/bitch/douchbag/asshat?
No, but you sure sound like one of them with that question.
7. What one thing would you like to do that your mun won't let you?
Have more than one baby. I’ve got me everythin’ else I want. Now I want a family with Anrai.
8. If you could have a pass to kill one other character, today, who would it be? Why?
That’s ain’t very Christian. And don’t give me that whole nonsense about the Crusades, neither. I ain’t killin’ no one in God’s name or anythin’ else. Unless they mess with me and mine.
Interview Questions for the Mun:
1. When did you pick up this muse, and why?
I started writing Laine on LJ back in March? But she’s a character I had been kicking around for almost a year. She’s fun and interesting to me and something I don’t see a lot of in the RP circles I run in here. A strong woman (plenty of those), with a career she actually works hard at and for that isn’t a doctor/lawyer/butcher baker and she’s living someone not in the mainstream. Most muses tend to be in New York or LA. Laine’s being in the fictional locale in Montana is intentional. She’s very isolated to a large extent but she isn’t ignorant, uneducated or necessarily unworldly.
2. If this is a canon muse, how well do you think you portray their canon? Be honest.
3. If this is an original character, how big of a Mary Sue/Gary Stu do you think they are...honestly?
She isn’t.
4. If you could go back and do one thing differently, in your roleplay of this muse, what would it be?
Only one? No, I’m kidding. I actually like where she is with her roleplaying storylines. They’ve meshed very well with the world I built for her and the backstory she was given. The relationships that have sprung out of that have been pretty organic. If I could change anything, it might be that she had a few more steady interactions with other muses, but this is a problem inherent with her living in relative seclusion because of her location.
5. What criticisms have you gotten about your portrayal of this muse? How do you feel about that? Has it changed how you write them?
I honestly haven’t. I’ve gone so far as to leave a post in her journal asking for constructive criticism and received none. People haven’t always realized that I am her mun because she has her own voice that is vastly different from my other muses.
6. If you have a fandom OC, do you believe that your muse is really a part of the fandom philosophy, or is just using the cool stuff of the fandom?
7. If you chose your PB, why did you choose them? How well do you think they fit?
I chose Lauren Graham because she was the right age for the muse and had the general look I wanted. Plus there are plenty of pictures out there with her in little to no make up…she looks real and not air brushed. I actually wrote a prompt about this one once.
8. If you were told that you could only have three characters, for the rest of your time on LJ, would this character make the cut?
Absolutely. Laine is a muse that I enjoy writing, plotting, and playing for. She’s still interesting to me, not only in moving her forward but in taking apart areas of her past.
9. If your character is in a relationship, how did that develop, and how good do you think that relationship is? Does the relationship go against canon? Did you have to change your muse to make it fit? Does your muse have to go wildly OOC to do this ship?
She is in a relationship that has developed fairly realistically for the two characters involved. Moved a bit fast but for them it works. Someone her age, who has been through one lengthy marriage and knows what she’s looking for in a partner doesn’t feel the need for a long, drawn-out courtship. If it’s right, it’s right. There is no real canon involved, she’s a complete OC and he is a (mostly) fandom OC from a somewhat obscure book but the other mun and I always strive to maintain characterization no matter what.
10. If your muse is NOT in a relationship, what kind of ship do you think would work for them, if any?
11. Have you ever used your muse IC to express your OOC issues? BE HONEST.
No. Part of the fun in writing Laine is that she has so many views and attitudes that are opposite of my own. It’s a challenge to have her write and say things convincingly when I may not agree with her.
12. Do you ever feel like your muse is a magnet for wank? If so, why? Whose fault is that?
I honestly don’t think too many people are even aware of her.
13. If you could give this muse one "award", what would it be?
“Goddamn Chatterbox”
14. Whose opinion matters to you, in playing your character?
Those that interact with her on a constant basis, the few I discuss plot and character motivation with because they have the details and input to see where I am coming from with the character. They are also people whose writing skills I admire.
15. What opinion could you live without?
That an original character is, by definition, a sue.