Concerning Your Reputation at Hogwarts...(girls only)
Harry thinks your a sweet girl but too quiet.
Ron Thinks you're adorable
Fred and George have no idea who you are
Neville LOVES you. He would probably ask you out if you'd only stop blushing and making him blush which causes you to blush more and him in return
Dean had to have you pointed out before he knew who you were.
Draco hexes you when you walk by
Crabbe and Goyle kidnap you and try to snog you in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.
Blaise only remebers you because you once did his homework for him.
Hermione is your best friend but is secretly jealous that you do better in potions than she does.
Cho thinks you dress like a nun.
Ginny likes you and tries to help you break out of your shell.
Pansy teases you all the time.
Flitwick thinks you are a wonderful student. You hang out with him with your free time.
McGonnagal thinks you should break out of your shell.
Snape abhors you because you do wonderfully in his class.Sprout doesn't have much of an opinion on you.
Dumbledore thinks there's more to you than meets the eye.
You are in Ravenclaw.
Your boyfriend/crush is Neville.
Your best friends are Hermione and Ginny.
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