( rumor board submissions )
Q: What is the Rumor Board?
A: The Rumor Board is a monthly collection of IC rumors being spread amongst the student body at Reims Academy. The information on the 'board' is spread around via word of mouth, Intranet posts and notes passed around. These rumors can originate from any source including NPCs and also may reach the ears of the Faculty and/or Administration.
Q: What does this mean?
A: On the first day of every month, the newest edition of the Rumor Board is OOCly posted for all players to look over and decide what their characters have heard. They can choose to either spread the rumors further, attempt to squelch them through IC actions over the course of the month, or ignore them. Sometimes the Faculty and/or Administration may involve themselves in these rumors, but that isn't a guarantee. Faculty players may choose what to do with the information, though the faculty won't have as much of a finger in the pulse of the Rumor Board as students.
Q: How long do rumors last on the Rumor Board?
A: Most rumors will only be 'sensational' rumors for one month as students get bored with one rumor and move onto new rumors quickly. Some rumors may end up lingering for more than one month depending on the IC actions that month directly associated with the rumor. IC attempts to squelch a rumor may cause it to mutate or flare. If this is the case, it may exist on the next Rumor Board in a much more detailed and/or ridiculous state.
Q: How do we add rumors to the Rumor Board?
A: To add a new rumor to the next month's Rumor Board, just fill out the form below and post it as a comment. All comments are screened so no one knows what will be on the Rumor Board until the next month's post. Each submitted rumor will be reviewed and if deemed inappropriate to the game for OOC reasons (not IC reasons), it won't be accepted and we will inform the original poster of the decision and why.
It is possible for rumors to originate from any place, including the NPCs. We do need to know where it was started in case it is a rumor the Faculty/Administration takes an interest in. Feel free to submit rumors about your own characters if you would like with the originator as an NPC even the character itself if you wish. Also, feel free to make up ridiculous rumors with absolutely no serious base if you'd like as rumors will mutate depending on how many time it's repeated. Remember that childhood game of Telephone? It's exactly like that. Just remember IC Actions have IC Consequences.
CHARACTER NAME AND JOURNAL: (for ooc purposes)
ORIGINATOR OF RUMOR: (Who started it?)
RUMOR: (The specific rumor spread)
VERACITY: (Is there any real truth to the rumor? if so, please link the instances of rp verifying it.)
Current Active Rumor Board ---