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Revision Request reimsadmin April 25 2011, 22:19:40 UTC
After reading over and discussing your application, we would like a few revisions. They are as follows:

--The Intranet/First Person sample is 'first person action spam' and not an example of how the character would communicate online. Please redo this sample so it represents what the application instructions say. We have included below the instructions for the Intranet/First Person Sample:

INTRANET/1ST PERSON SAMPLE: (This is a sample of how the character talks and interacts with others on the school's intranet. There are two options available for this sample.

* Provide a stand-alone sample of something the character would post on the Intranet that others would respond to. Please make this sample approximately 7-10 sentences long.

* You may set up a thread with another character in reimsapplicants or another musebox and link the completed sample in the application. Please note that a linked sample must still be representative of how they will communicate online. With this option, we require a minimum of 10 individual comments from the character being apped. As always, we reserve the right to ask for more if we feel there isn't enough characterization/interaction to properly judge the sample.

Here are some sample prompts if needed (but not required): Announcing your candidacy for the Student Counsel elections, Planning for the upcoming trip to the mainland, Receiving a care package from home, Spreading gossip about a teacher/student.

Note! Please avoid the standard arrival sample. We've all seen it a thousand times and, really, the character is just in high school, not whisked off to Narnia, given a Pokeball and told to go capture Aslan. Give us something different and interesting in the Reims Academy setting.)

Please have your revisions submitted within one week from this notice. Should you have any questions or need clarification, please contact us.


Re: Revision Request solveforfuture April 26 2011, 01:39:16 UTC
This should fall within the first option.


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