Jan 31, 2020 12:00

( rules )

  • REGARDING PROBLEMS, EXPECTATIONS First and foremost: be mature. If you have a problem with another player, please try to work things out in an amicable fashion. If, for whatever reason, you are not comfortable with bringing the issue directly to them? Please talk to the mods. We're here to help! And, remember, we're all here to have fun, and, stirring up a shitstorm? That just makes people miserable, on all sides of the issue.


    First offense, a warning will be issued regarding the context of the offense and the explanation as to why it is offensive. Second offense, a non-appealable ban will be issued.

  • REGARDING IC/OOC DIVIDE This really ought to go without saying, but IC =/= OOC. Your characters could be the fiercest of enemies, but that doesn't mean you can't be bros OOC!

  • REGARDING GODMODDING Don't god-mode. Your characters are yours, and other peoples' are theirs.

  • REGARDING FOURTH WALL-ING Breaking the fourth wall. No sir, you may not. However, many characters will be from popular media, things that are likely to be mentioned! That's fine; just use this simple solution. Final Fantasy, for example, might become Penultimate Daydream, Metal Gear might become Cast-iron Armament, and Magic: The Gathering might be Tragic: The Garnering. Just don't have folks realizing that Gohan has the same name, personality, and embarrassing manner of dress as one of the protagonists of Orb Of Dragonkind Zed, and we're golden!

  • REGARDING ACTIVITY CHECK Monthly activity requirements are: ONE post to the main community, or ONE log, or FIFTEEN comments of conversation in other peoples' main-comm posts. By that last one, we mean fifteen from you; a chain of thirty comments is (setting aside comment-combos, which count as a single comment), most likely, fifteen for each player. Furthermore, these do not have to come from one thread; you may link as many as you like, as long as they add up to fifteen!

    UPDATE/REVISION: We are transitioning from a Monthly Activity Check to a Trimester Activity Check. We will only do three activity checks a year, every four months - January 1st, May 1st, and September 1st. As we have extended the activity period from one month to four months, the requirements will change. Instead of one piece of activity per month, we will now require two pieces of activity per four months. One of these two pieces must be either an open post or open log that any character can interact in. We will not be accepting comments as valid activity for both pieces of activity. They will still count for one piece of activity, but not both.

  • REGARDING MINIMUM AGE, ADULT THEMES You must be 14 years of age or older to play here. In addition, you must be 18 years of age to play explicit sexual scenes.

    NC-17 logs are allowed. However, they must be placed behind a cut, friends-locked, and be tagged with proper warnings. However, it may not be played out on the comm if a character under the age of 16 is involved, unless you fade to black for the salient bits.

  • REGARDING CHARACTER LIMIT Currently, the character limit is five, up to three of which may be from a single canon.

  • REGARDING QUESTIONS Read the FAQ before asking questions! Your question may well have been answered already, after all!



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