( closed ) you're as sharp as a knife, and you fit like a glove

Jul 27, 2011 14:12

CHARACTERS: Eiríkur Evenson (linefaceism ) and Eclair Tonerre (gateaufourre )
DATE & TIME: Super-backdated to July 10, morning-ish
WARNINGS: Should be nothing, unless Eclair's acting up.
SUMMARY: A chance encounter. May or may not evolve into friendship of some sort.

that is no way to live, that is no way to love )

eiríkur evenson, eclaire tonnerre

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gateaufourre July 27 2011, 18:39:54 UTC
Éclair was tired of preparing for the dinner party back home. It wasn't as if anything could go wrong. What harm could befall a few kids coming over for one night? So she had decided to take a break for a few minutes and instead look through Reims' library. Hopefully, they'd have a good selection of world newspapers. Though everything was available online nowadays, the image of reading an original black-and-white newspaper was admired.

The library, unfortunately, did not have the selection she expected. She had to search, passing huge rows of fiction sections before finding a small shelf in the back dedicated to magazines and newspapers. Glancing through them, she tsked as she tried to find a paper from a country other than France. She glanced around as she moved to the next stack and froze as she saw a boy reading - who certainly hadn't been there before. Or she hadn't noticed him.

She tossed her hair over her shoulder and sent a casual "Bonjour" his way before returning to the pile of papers.


linefaceism July 29 2011, 18:03:05 UTC
There's nothing wrong with reading newspapers. Even if the internet makes it easy for people to know about the current headlines around the world, it's...still different from reading an original black-and-white newspaper. It's a shame the library only had French newspapers, and some other major European country's, because Eiríkur likes reading them, too. In fact, he probably seated himself near the magazines and newspapers' section not only because it's cozy, but also because he wanted to read some of those later. For one, he's trying to learn French. Other than that, he just love to be in the know ( ... )


gateaufourre July 30 2011, 00:51:58 UTC
"Oui. Et... you are Monsieur Evenson, n'est-ce pas?" She asked, glancing at him demurely. He was a rather attractive boy from Psychology - in ninth grade, going to tenth. It couldn't hurt to make friends, or at least create a connection with him. She quickly continued. "You're not fluent in French? It's a brave move to come to a French boarding school." Which was true. Going around in La Salle was much easier if you were a fluent French speaker.


I'm changing styles because I'm quicker this way. And because I have tons of tags atm. Sorry B| linefaceism July 31 2011, 15:37:14 UTC
[ A nod, and he returned her glance, albeit in a not-so-shy manner. In fact, he turned his full attention to Eclair, ignoring the book for the sake of chatting with her. Not because he's checking her out, no, but more because the book was sort-of crap and he's in dire need of some conversation. Not that he'd ever admit it. ]


[ He corrected, promptly after the nod. He really doesn't like being called by his last name. It's stuffy and he's not used to it, even after a month in Reims. ]

No, I'm not fluent in French. Still learning, actually. My German is better. [ Admitted sheepishly, although he can't say he's fluent in German, either. The only other language he can say he's fluent at is English, though he's still learning, too. And his Icelandic is sort-of crap (according to him), even though he still speak it with his dad sometimes. ] I want to try something new, I guess. And escape my family's clutches.

[ The words was accompanied by an awkward laugh. What she said was true to a fault, and sometimes (specifically, when ( ... )


No problem~ :D gateaufourre July 31 2011, 20:25:13 UTC
{{Éclair notes his blatant interest, more curious than anything as to why she had suddenly earned all of his attention. It was probably because of her looks, she assumed. He is a teenage boy after all.}}

Monsieur Eiríkur, then. It is a pleasure to meet you. {{she ducks her head, continuing to act demurely, and takes a seat across from him with perfect posture, laying the newspaper neatly in her lap.}}

What language are you most comfortable in, then? If I am fluent, it will make things much easier for our conversation. {{she doesn't comment on what he lets slip of his familial situation, only stowing it away for further reference. This is a much safer topic, and one that she is sure she can shine in - she is nearly fluent in most European languages.}}


also, sorry i'm slow ;;; linefaceism August 2 2011, 13:15:37 UTC
[ Well, she is beautiful, he had to admit, in that rich slash daddy's little girl sort-of way, but she's not her type. Specifically, girls like that aren't his type. Plus, there are plenty of them in Reims, some of which, he noticed (but pretended that he didn't), watched him like vultures or something along that line in the hallways. Thankfully, after his second week or so in the academy, they lost interest, but there's still some left, and he can say that he had enough of them. In the "I wouldn't touch them with a ten-foot-pole even if I have to" way. Of course, he's blissfully unaware that their attention was caused by something other than the fact that he was a transfer student.

But she might be different, and he's giving her a chance to prove that now. ]

It's a pleasure to meet you too. [ Honestly, formalities bothered him, and he's not comfortable being addressed with any sort of honorific being attached to his name, but maybe it's another thing he need to get used to. That aside, he stole a glance at the newspaper in her lap ( ... )


it's totally okay~ i'm... slower. xD gateaufourre August 3 2011, 00:05:10 UTC
{{Eclair, of course, is a bit too conceited to realize that he might be interested for something other than her looks. That's not to say that she's full of herself; just that she might be a bit too confident in herself when it comes to her appearance. It doesn't help that she's very vain and concerned with her looks. She has always been complimented on them, after all. This chance you speak of, the chance for her to prove herself as something more than looks...

well, you might or might not get desired results.}}

Norwegian? I'm afraid not. {{well, there goes that plan. And that Monsieur is not going anywhere. She is a very nationalistic French girl, and formal on top of that. Having been raised in a very stern environment, she probably couldn't get rid of the formalities if she tried. Not that she ever would try.}}

What does your family do, then?


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