Aug 19, 2011 23:59
[Hey, Reims! Here's a face you didn't see all summer, and I'm sure you missed it terribly. But never fear, Feferi is here! She looks very cheerful, as usual, and she has a really nice tan going on.]
Hey guys! It's a new school year! Aren't you all EXCITED!? Because I know I am!
I know I've already said it, but I just wanted to thank you all again SO MUCH for voting me seacretary of the student council! I love all you guys, and I promise not to let you down! [She gives a little salute.]
Let's make this an awesome semester, okay? Oh, and speaking of that...
[Suddenly she looks rather annoyed.] I heard that MS3 is being banned from the pool? What the shell! I need to practice for the swim team, you know!
feferi peixes