Edit: lj fucked this up earlier and I didn't notice, sorry!
Tagged by:
mornfuia How it works:
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
1. I get up earlier than I'd actually need to every morning, in order to read some fanfiction while having my first cups of coffee.
2. I do have blood in my caffein circulation. But there are times I do suffer from over-caffeination.
3. I love watching clouds. White puffy ones in a brilliantly blue sky I like the best.
4. I talk more to myself than I did half a year ago.
5. When talking to myself I use probably 30% of the time Japanese, 30% German, 40% English. Perhaps.
6. I love everything with peppermint in it.
7. My behaviour is sometimes too Japanese to be German but I'm too German to actually like the Japanese Way 100%.
Tagging no one (*looks innocently at
uplift17 aww_some_sauce schattentaenzer* ^.~)