[Random Fooliness] ONE FANDOM MEME - Doctor Who

Sep 29, 2013 23:04

Ci ho messo secoli ma alla fine ecco qui il meme su Doctor Who.... tutto per la mia adorata nykyo

01 -Your favorite quote
You know when you see a photograph of someone you know, but it's from years before you knew them. It's like they're not quite finished-they're not done yet. Yes, The Doctor's here. He came when I called just like he always does. But not "my" Doctor. Now my Doctor, I've seen whole armies turn and run away. And he'd just swagger off, back to his TARDIS. And open the doors with a snap of his fingers. The Doctor. In the TARDIS. Next stop: Everywhere.

02 - Your favorite episode
La 6x13

03 - Your favorite female character
River Song, Donna Noble

04 - Your favorite male character
The Doctor, Rory Williams, Wilfred Mott

05 - Your favorite Season soundtrack
L’OST della sesta stagione

06 - Random Image #1

07 - A DW-related photo that makes you happy

08 - A DW-related photo that makes you angry/sad

09 - A DW-related fanart you like

10 - Your least favorite male character

11 - Your least favorite female character
Madame Kovarian

12 - Random Image #2

13 - Your favorite season
La sesta

14 - Favorite DW-related tumblr

15 - Favorite DW-related fanfic
Uhm, non saprei davvero sceglierne una, ce ne sono tante troppo belle!

16 - Character death that made you cry the most
Le morti di tutti e tre i Pond

17 - Your favourite pairing
River Song/The Doctor

18 - Random Image #3

19 - Character in DW that is most like you
Rory, probabilmente

20 - Favorite DW theory
Due teorie: 1) Il Dottore prima o poi riuscirà a fare uscire River dalla Biblioteca;
2) River ed il Dottore in qualche punto della loro timey wimey timeline hanno un bimbo!

21 - Your favourite friendship relationship
Ten/Wilfred Mott

22 - A website that’s DW-related

23 - A DW-related YouTube video

image Click to view

24 - Random Image #4

25 - Favorite DW actor
Matt Smith

26 - Favorite DW actress
Alex Kingston, Catherine Tate

27 - What you miss the most about DW
River Song e il Dottore di Matt!

28 - Your favorite thing about DW
Il messaggio di speranza e l’entusiasmo verso la vita in ogni sua forma, tempo ed accezione.

29 - The most crack pairing you might ever think about
Amy Pond/The Master

30 - Random Image #5

!randomfooliness, doctor who, meme

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