We are okay

Mar 13, 2011 22:25

Because I got a message from spicylemon I realized I should probably update here to let everyone know I'm okay.

What it was like..I can't really describe...but it was like I was living in a movie...things falling over and falling to the ground...I couldn't even walk for 2 minutes...

We live next to Tokyo so we've been extremely lucky. They're expecting another big quake sometime this week...so we're still trying to be as cautious as possible.

Starting tomorrow they will implement rolling black outs in an attempt to conserve energy and to release pressure on the power plants. Everyone is still watching the nuclear plant in Fukushima...we're not out of the way of that one yet.

I'll try to update again soon.

Thanks for your concern. I love you guys. Please pray for those who have been less fortunate and are still having to deal with the tsunami tragedy...some people don't know where their loved ones are...or if they're ever going to come home.
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