Jun 02, 2011 23:58
I wanna write a crossover fanfic like thirteen years old. It would be epicest crap ever, because it would be like Sengoku Basara and Pokemon put in blender. I dunno. Knowing me the main character would be Yukimura, and he would be somesort of mid-boss goon from Kai gym obviously specializing to fire pokemons. Yep. And then the gym leader Shingen becomes ill or something, and Yukimura goes nuts, and goes on journey like in Sengoku Basara 3. You know, to sorth things up. Sasuke could be his main battling pokemon, but I have no idea what pokemon he would be. Masamune of course would be the rival character, and might be or not also gym leader. Kojuurou woul be his badass electric-type pokemon. And then Yukimura would just go on adventures thought the Sengoku region and meet all sengoku basara characters turned to pokemons or pokemon trainers. Nobunaga would be of course champion of elite four. Kenshin could be in elite four too, and Ujimasa without a doubt, Kotaro as his badass main fighter pokemon. Toshiie and Matsu would be the daycare couple. Magoichi would own murkcrow. Yumekichi would be simisear. Motonari would be grass gymleader, oddly owning solrock as his main pokemon. Motonari would be contantly challenged by Motochika in battle for the pokemon leagues offical licence for calling you gym the offical one. Like that story of Sabrina beating the crap out of that late fight pokemon gym in saffron city. Like Motochika and Motonari seemingly fight each other, supposedly to settle who is the true guardian/lord of inland sea. And as if this wouldn't be enough, the criminal team around would be mysterious Team Zabi. "You have been challenged by Team Zavi Grunt". Like that.
I just needed to get this out of my head. Sorry for huge amount of typos in this and that earlier post. I'm tired, and I couldn't care less of spell and grammar checking.