massu, shige & tegoshi are on K-chan news today OMG~
I'm listening to it now, XDD~~
Shige: "Shige-chan desu~"
they play "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
the song sounds DAMN GOOD ~~~ ZOMG
I'm so in love with it~
amzingly good~~~~~~~ so beautiful!
this song will definitely be a HIT! Believe me!
they're doing sth now, I don't know, some kinda of drama, they say some dramatic line
first are massu & shgie
I only hear sth like "what's ur point?" (Massu)
- 97 - Shige
- I'm 97, too
blah blah blah~
then tegoshi & ..
after that it's massu turn
he said a very funny line "hantani~" hahah it must be "hontoni" (really)
his voice is very funny ~ LMAO
then Koyama continued, this time he acted very funny, too.
seems like they're having fun, cuz hey laugh alot~ XD~
Koyama also commented one Katakana or Hiragana reading, kinda of~
they read fanmails here
Koyama was like "umi o ikimashou!"(let's go to the ocean)
blah blah blah~ they laugh alot & alot
after finishing the mails
the talk continue with SUMMER TIME (Karaoke) as bgr music
the present a "Happy Birthday" single went to Risa-chan from OSAKA ~~ lucky ne~
shige sang something weird her, traditional music? O_o
mail reading continues~
they talked 'bout hentai~ O_o
some talks
ending comments. ^^
you can download the record
heremake sure you download da record for "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" cuz it's totally LOVE!!