Jan 07, 2012 21:04
Sorry! Lost track of time.
Winter break was pretty amazing. I finally ate at the Cheesecake Factory, curtsy of my twinny Destiny's twentieth birthday celebration. SHE IS OLLLLLLD~ LOL Since I didn't get her a present, I paid for her meal. It was $63.09. *stares at semi-empty wallet* Ah well. At least she enjoyed it. :)
It was wonderful meeting my old friends again, and my boyfriend of course. He went back to LA today and I already miss him. Gotta wait till spring break to see him again. How unfortunate.
Well, let's see~ Anything else?
Recently got into Doctor Who. I've only watched several episodes with the Tenth Doctor and I've only been watching the Eleventh Doctor. Currently in the middle of Series 6. I prefer Asexual!Doctor, but I like River Song so I ain't complaining too much. As long as it doesn't get too much... :P
Oh, um, still fangirling over YunJae. .___. I wish I can find more good fanfics out there... Ah well.
Been playing League of Legends more lately. So bored~ LOL I love playing as Ahri. Too bad she isn't free anymore. TT___TT Oh well. There's still Annie. :3 Wish Karma would be free again. :P She was fun to play as too.
OH OH OH. SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT. I'VE STARTED TO DRIVE. Sorta. Still learning. I got my permit in mid-December and I've been taking driving lessons from an instructor. xD Won't be getting license soon, though. I'm not that confident. But I really wanna drive~ Urgh.
So that's it! LOL xD Hopefully, the next time I update, it won't take more than a month. xD
me myself and i,
real life,