Title: What Friends Are For
Pairing: Harry/Draco, side Hermione/Ron
Characters: Harry, Hermione
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~525
Summary: On International Thank-You Day, Harry can think of no other person he'd rather thank than Hermione.
Disclaimer: I don't own HP. NCII.
A/N: Written for
International 'Thank You' Day Challenge. Originally posted
Here. Sorry for any typos.
Harry had many things to be thankful of Hermione for. Helping him keep up in school, making sure he didn't get in too much trouble, and being someone he could confide in, as well as his voice of reason, was just the beginning of where he should probably start. Without Hermione, Harry was quite positive he wouldn't have survived his years at Hogwarts, let alone the terrible time out of it, when they'd been chasing Horcruxes to bring down Voldemort.
Harry doubted there was any way he could really make up for all Hermione Granger had done for him. He did the best he could, though, when situations arose where Hermione needed help, and holidays like Christmas where he could put the money Sirius had left him to good use and buy her something she'd be interested in but otherwise couldn't possibly afford (like the collection of Wizarding Encyclopedias, written by the Four Founders themselves, that purchasing had left a considerable dent in Harry's vaults).
This, however... well, Harry was quite sure he'd never be able to repay her for it.
If Hermione hadn't suggested returning Draco Malfoy's wand after the war, hadn't pushed him into mending bridges and offering Malfoy his friendship, hadn't been the first-- and probably only-- person to point out that he and Draco looked good together, Harry never would have considered them being such. He would have never noticed that Draco could look sexy with his hair down, or that the way he scrunched his nose when he scowled was really quite adorable. He would have never noticed how much he really did enjoy Draco's company, and that the way they teased each other bordered on flirting, which wasn't exactly normal amongst mates.
He would have never noticed the looks Draco sometimes sent his way, either, as if trying to say "Look at me, Harry. I'm right here". Would have never taken him up on it and initiated the first kiss. Would never be where he was now, sharing a house and life with Draco Malfoy, who he was quite certain was the love of his existence.
So when Harry caught wind of it being International Thank-You Day, the first thing he did was head straight for Hermione's. He didn't care that he was still in his pajamas and that it was cold outside. He didn't even bother waking Draco up to tell him where he'd be going. He apparated straight to her and Ron's house and knocked on the door, knowing, the early bird she was, that she'd already be up.
Not a moment later and the door opened, revealing a slightly puzzled Hermione. Harry ignored the obvious question in her eyes. He went up to her and wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her so tight she probably had trouble breathing. He buried his nose in her bushy hair and closed his eyes and forced his hug to say what his words, and money, couldn’t.
As usual, with Hermione, he didn't need to speak to convey what he was trying to say. She hugged him back, just as strongly, and said "You're welcome, Harry."
And Harry knew she understood.