TO: All in my F-list and to those who wants to be friends...

Jul 19, 2011 13:16


I'm now fully back on LJ, now that all my school-related works and exams are forever finished ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

Harry Potter is ending. Watched the films last week and 'twas awesome. Quite fast-paced than I hoped for but still spectacularly brilliant!

Have any of you watched it yet?

It has gotten the best of me these past few weeks so I barely did any translations nor media sharing. Though I did finished making inooaday's new header. I've yet to join it with it's needed codecs but I'll probably put it up soon..

Anyway, as all of you know, my journal has been a huge part of a way for me to share my love of different fandoms to everyone. In light with this I'd like to say 'Thank You' to everyone who has been kind enough to leave their appreciation in simple comments especially those not in need of passwords.

With that said, I'll be locking most of JE-related media posts in the coming days. Why? Well, for starters I only get a few feedbacks if it isn't password protected, some even have the tendency to be rude whenever I do password-protect my files. Second, I saw some re-uploaded file or re-posted translations without consent, or even worst without due credit. Lastly because JE-related medias have just always accompanied with privacy issues.. But I would like to say again that I wouldn't randomly add people just because they want the files. No Sir!

To those unrelated to it will remain public for everyone to view as well as previous or future translations.

Also, I'll be doing a F-cut yet again in soon because I nearly interact or know those who are on my F-list. They are called 'friends' for a reason.. I'd like to make friends and know more about people of different kind and not just because they want my files. So I say it again, if you're only interested in my files I'm sorry but I won't be entertaining any of your request. If it's close, it's close. I did left it open for a long time...

Lastly, I'd like to address everyone who has been asking for my files' password: If I have failed to give it (the password) to you when you know that you have followed my request, leave a comment here directing me to yours. I'd gladly send it to you ASAP.
Sorry for the inconvenience but I was busy these last few months so I have lost track to all of your request.. I hope you understand..

And to those who would like to be friends, a comment will much be appreciated so I do not cut you off my list or so I can add you as well. Whichever it is appropriate (^o^).
You call also add me up on twitter: @le_doux if you have one since I'm most active there..


!random, !ramblings/rants

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