Regarding JUMPaper translations

Nov 09, 2010 17:37

I've previously posted that I'll be sharing translations of Hey! Say! JUMP's J-web entries, JUMPaper. But as of the moment, I'm afraid I will not be able to do so because school has started to get hectic again demanding a lot of my time. I was able to do Takaki's entry but only half-way. His entry was way too long for me to focus on so I stop and sorta forgot to finish it. Then, I also started Kei's entry which is almost done as well.

Comparing my translation of both entries, Kei's is much more possible for me share as of the moment. It not because I'm a biased fan. Its just his entry is shorter than Takaki's and a lot easier to translate. If, however, a friend of mine is willing to properly translate the half part of Takaki's entry then I'd gladly post it up asap.

Like I've said before, the entry I most like to translate is Keito's 'cause his is more direct with little use of slang and easy to understand japanese. Because the entry following Kei's is Hikaru's which is equally or possibly longer to Takaki's.

With less time for me to translate each entry into meaningful english translation, I'm afraid I won't be able to do so for a while.

In line with this, I was thinking of possibly making a community based solely on the JUMPaper entries. Since I cannot do the translation for the time being, I could lock-entries and if anyone is willing to translate, they may do so. I do hope to get positve feedback from everyone, especially those who looks for such translation.

If I do get enough response regarding the matter, I will push through with the said plan.

So what do you guys reckon?

!random, • Hey! Say! JUMP, *translations, johnny's entertainment

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