almost entirely yoinked from monique

Dec 08, 2005 17:35

Since we all know the rules (first line of first entry of each month, blah blah), I won't bore you.

January: allie, we can do stuff manana.
February: yesterday we had a snowball fight.
March: i got my yummy samoas today.
April: i cut my finger at work today.
May: jason e-mailed me.
June: i've discovered scanlations.
July: the best part about my best weekend ever is that it fell on a 3-day weekend cuz of a holiday and has abruptly decide to extend itself into tuesday. which is (j)awesome.
August: i just had this conversation with joey about his drinking habits.
September: so.
October: there was a wedding today.
November: kyle, here's a gem you're missing out on in nakama 2:
December: oh man. so the internet was down for like, 16 hours.

Next we should do the last lines from the LAST entry of each month. BOOYAH I'm on top of that trend already!
January: not only am i doing language and culture, but history, and then i have to deal with asian americans, all in one semester.
February: ::waah::
March: all i'm gonna say is you gotta hear it, so i'm not even gonna describe it for you, so X-P.
April: yay for reading my life away again in all humanties classes.
May: raven: they're bring naruto to cartoon network, to toonami, i believe.
June: so i'm going to write to my cousin in a good natured, colloquial fashion and go to california and let them know that i'm having a great time in school and i want to study abroad and oh yeah i need a new cell phone and i saw a great one for only $99...
July: ::i think::
August: that was a very scatter-brained entry.
September: that's still fucked up.
October: it's ludicrous!
November: sad, really.

And December (prediction):
oh man. joey's a pain in the ass

Goth Band Name:

1. Take the initial of your first name, and match it with the corresponding word in this list:
Agony, Black, Cemetery, Dark, Eternal, Frozen, Grave, Hex, In, Jack, Kill, London, Mortal, New, Opera, Pandora, Queer, Razor, Suicide, The, Unto, Virgin, Wounded, X, Young, Zodiac

2. Take the initial of your middle name, OR, if you don't have one, the SECOND letter of your first name, and match it with the corresponding word in this list:
Angel, Blade, Corpse, Death, Echo, Fetish, Ghost, Hurting, Immortal, Jesus, Killing, Love, Midnight, Night, Orgy, Pain, Quantum, Rose, Sex, Trauma, Underground, Velvet, Witch, X, Yelling, Zombie

3. Take the initial of your last name and match it with the corresponding word in this list:
Amour, Blood, Cult, Decay, Eden, Funeral, Girls, Heart, Incubus, Judgement, Kraft, Lake, Morte, Nuns, Obscure, Party, Queen, Requiem, Sisters, Theatre, Umbra, Vampires, World, X, Youth, Zone

4. Stick them all together in that order, and you get your own Genuine Goth Band name!

The Angel Morte is my name. that sounds kinda cool, actually.
my brother: Jack Angel Morte
my mom: Jack Killing Morte (such potential)
nancy, since she's peering over my shoulder: New Angel Lake
and 3 am matt: Mortal Midnight World
annnnd: raven, since matt requested it: Razor Blade Party
and emily: Eternal Jesus Party
and elisabeth: Agony Echo Blood
matt asked for stacia: Suicide Theatre Heart
nancy's older younger brother: Jack Love Lake


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