Dear Livejournal,
Amber farted real loud but I didn't hear it cuz I was running my mouth too loudly.
i told you i'd do it.
i actually went out today. me and amber and meeshell hung out. we saw jason. that was cool. i talked to peter today, too. he's still straight. he told me a story about harassing hookers.
i gotta call tanya still.
quote break:
coca cola momoKo: but I'm a little intimidated by the French dept
coca cola momoKo: they mumble so much
i practiced a little minnesotan today. tried my accent out and all.
adult swim is showing eva this fall, but i won't be able to watch it. yeah, that's right guys, Neon Genesis Evangelion. oh the mindfucks.
Dear Real Doll Owners,
You are fucking sick. SEEK HELP.
time is running nigh. it's kinda weird.