Jul 15, 2005 02:36
went bowling avec mes amies and formerly gorgeous matt. he actually asked me if his blonde fiasco was better than his brown hair. yeah right.
allie and i watched tampopo.
now i'm watching halloween cuz i've never seen it before.
apparently i don't live by the rules of normal people, cuz i stay in my pajamas all day, for days at a time. cuz i don't dress unless i need to go somewhere. (i'm icky like that.)
michael meyers is one creepy motherfucker.
quote break:
mikirichan: at least your dorm-mates do drugs
mikirichan: mine just use their hormones
::hopes seeing charlie in the chocolate factory works out tomorrow::
michael got one of 'em
::feels nervous and not exactly sure why::
i hate the feeling of anxiety.
allie decided she'd push her children to excel in all fields, causing them to hate her.
i decided i'll force my chinese daughters to do gymnastics.
(after reading in article in newsweek last year, i decided to adopt unwanted chinese girls.)
and i said all kyle's kids would be humorless and un-desensitized because he won't want them watching tv and playing video games all day.
and since i'm gonna do the exact opposite, my kids will be fat. and i can live with that. cuz i'll have my chinese gymnists to live vicariously through. unless i luck out and my kids end up like joey. then i win the "how to raise your kids" game and can brag to kyle about it.
quote break:
reiaiko: sleep well mr. heterosexual
kpwsSN: i shall, with my 100% heterosexualness
back to the movie and trying not to be anxious over nothing.
ouch. international adoption is expensive. i didn't realize it would cost so many thousands of dollars. and you have to go to china for like, two weeks. the funny part is that it can sometimes be easier to get an international kid than a domestic one.
::goes back to watch the killing::