Looking for a Fight

Jan 25, 2012 00:20

So I was putting something in my fridge when my box of chai, which was already leaning to the side, tipped over. Normally I'd be like "meh," but this box of chai is ass-tarded and the closure doesn't actually create a seal, such that when it fell over, fucking chai started leaking out. And as we know, there's nothing quite like spilling something inside your fridge. It just fucking drips everywhere.

I start to clean it up, and I have to pull out food, and the bottom bin, and the glass shelf, and I'm already tired, so that just took the cake. I cursed out the carton and the company, and declared that the next time I drink their organic vegan chai mix I'm adding it to whole milk, motherfucker.

Since I've been weird about sleeping lately- not that I've had trouble sleeping, but that I just haven't been wanting to go to sleep for some reason- I thought I'd kill some time and play a word game on Yahoo games. I played this one, and the clue was "(Bob [?) Solo]", that is, your classic beginning and ending type puzzle from Wheel of Fortune. Of course the only Solo I know is Han Solo, but Han wasn't the answer. When I solved another part of the puzzle, I found out that the answer was "Hope." So then I started to get all dispro ang about what the fuck kinda answer that is, because I'm thinking that Hope Solo is like, the name of Han and Leia's kid or something, and how esoteric would that be, but then I googled it and it turns out she's some women's soccer player, which is almost equally esoteric, really, but at least I wasn't so mad about it after that.


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