So I was just over at Facebook, and two guys on my friend's list mentioned this website, "I'm Not Racist, But..." where the maintainer searches Facebook for public statuses that use the eponymous phrase. Why, why did I click that link? Maybe I thought it would be funny? I don't know, in any event it just reminds me of how ignorant some people are (an Australian guy referring to immigrants as "imported people") and how blind to privilege other people are. White people, to point out my own country's ethnic heavy-weight, think that if they aren't being showered with money, job offers, and blow jobs, they aren't privileged. It's fucking aggravating.
And I know I'm preaching to the one-member choir here, but meritocracy only works if everyone starts out on the same footing. That's not something we have here, and thus the system works to the advantage of the few.
God, I was reading this article earlier today on Michele Bachmann and how her crazy ass as a presidential candidate isn't really a laughing matter. It was kind of scary. She's CLEARLY delusional and hyper-religious; the article also makes her out to be a ridiculous liar, who will give multiple versions of the same story. She stands for everything I oppose: anti-abortion, thinks you can pray the gay away, SIGNED A DOCUMENT SAYING THAT UNDER SLAVERY AT LEAST BLACK CHILDREN LIVED IN TWO PARENT FAMILIES-
Anyway it's time for me to start making my plans on where to move if crazy things happen come November 2012. I know for a while there everyone thought it was a sure thing for Obama with bin Laden dead and all, but who the fuck knows, really? When I was on ONTD the other day this commenter said that her and her husband seriously moved to fucking Canada after the 2000 elections (I'm pretty sure she said the 2000 and not 2004). I've got to get myself a slate lined up so I can peace the fuck out if need be in January 2013. I love a certain level of impermanence, so chilling for four years somewhere different might just suit me. I guess it's time for me to develop some actual skills.