So it has come to this

Apr 20, 2011 10:02

I hadn't updated in a long time because, like I always say, there's nothing worth updating. However, the cold, how she has wrapped me into her distracting embrace, making everything I do tainted by the desire to blow my nose or swallow (you always want to swallow so much more when your throat is sore) or hack up phlegm (a new feature). But wait! There's so much more!

Usually when I get a cold they all amount to about the same things: sinus congestion, coughing, some throat soreness, repeat until better.
This cold, while not much different, is clearly trying to leave its mark on my life.

It all started two Saturdays ago, when my throat didn't feel quite right and one nostril was bone dry. I was worried that I was getting post-nasal drip, which I didn't, but for all I know if I had I might be over it by now. Instead it was all about my nose for a week. I spent that time sniffling, blowing my noise and antagonizing over whether my ears were going to pop at any given point through out the day.
Then this past Saturday came, and my sore throat realized it was tardy to the party. I had to up my limited game with daily cups of tea and a pack of cough drops. It's Wednesday now, and only part of my throat is still sore. The left side, to be exact. It's sort of like getting stabbed in the back of the tongue, sometimes. But don't think I've felt much relief since the sore throat is going away! Because during that time my nose has been going to crazy town! More often then I'd like to admit, I find traces of blood when I blow my nose. I've already been accused of blowing my nose too hard (I'm not going to get into last Tuesday, the day of the more intense dizzy spell of my life), and maybe that's the case, because last night I got a straight up nose bleed which NEVER happens to me.
So then last night, and I'm going to warn you now, this is about to get really gross, I woke up around 6 am or so, feeling the need to blow my nose and possibly pop a cough drop. When I blow my nose, from what I can seen in the dawn glow of my room, the wad in the tissue looks a dark color. Not a good sign. (As I may have mentioned before, I always check the color of what's coming out of my nose, as AP Bio taught me that it's a good indication of your general sinus health.) This actually happened the last time I had a cold, but I cavalierly over looked it (I think disregarding my health is cavalier).
The other thing is that my nose was actively draining while I slept. Pretty gross. So there are these crimson spots on my pillow where my bloody mucus was seemingly pouring out of my nose. I'm more bummed about the fact that I just washed that pillow case last night.

I tend to wake up a little before my alarm and just lay there and wait for the inevitable, typically falling back asleep in the meantime. I figured I'd take a peek at the time just to see how long I had, and I couldn't open my eye. Bizarre, I thought. So I tried to open it again, and this time it worked. In a post full of gross things, what I'm about to say is also gross, but I wasn't too alarmed because I wondered if all that nose draining while sleeping just managed to work its way up to my eye.
When my alarm did go off I sat up in bed and tried to open my eyes and neither of them wanted to cooperate.
When I got into the bathroom I took a good look at my (say it with me) gross face. Totally crusty, pink looking eyes. "Did those fucking kids give me pink eye?" Two kids went home yesterday with symptoms. And lo and behold here I am, staring at this shit in the mirror and trying to figure out the adult thing to do. I finished my bathroom routine and called in to work and made a doctor's appointment (2 pm! Holler at ya time to waste) so now I'm just sitting here, occasionally coughing and blowing my nose and trying to not touch my eyes.
(Oh, didn't I mention? I've started a light cough now, producing phlegm. We might as well add an actual fever, chills, and muscle ache and get it over with. I guess my doctor's appt. will be kind of interesting: I'm sure you've noticed that in addition to the pink eye, I've also got a bunch of other things wrong with me. Do you have any magic pills for that?)


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