The Multidimensional Scale of Sexuality
According to my answers, it is likely that I identify as
Sequential bisexual.
Complete set of results
Sequential bisexual: 4Heterosexual with some homosexuality: 3Concurrent bisexual: 2Homosexual with some heterosexuality: 2Heterosexual: 1Asexual: 0Homosexual: 0Past heterosexual, currently homosexual: 0Past homosexual, currently heterosexual: 0
The Multidimensional Scale of Sexuality was devised by Larry Kurdek, B. Berkey and T. Perelman-Hall. It is an extension of the Klein Sexual Orientation Grid, recognising that sexual identities can change over time, people can identify with more than one sexual identity, and that asexuality is a valid sexual identity. The Multidimensional Scale of Sexuality was published in the "Journal of Homosexuality" in 1990.
Take the quiz I guess it's somewhat accurate, I do find females smexy, but guys when not being big over bearing jerks, are sweet and really wonderful too. =^.^= I think I'll keep my opinion on females though, look but don't bother to touch... female personalities are terrible! I know I'm a demanding crazy bitchy creature, I don't think I could stand having that as a constant mate. @.@"