Pictures!!! ^.^

Oct 09, 2006 13:00

Well I said I'd post pictures once I got them on my computer, but I lied. I've had these on here for about 2 days now... the problem was that the internet is so slow here... it took 2 days just to upload them. Yeah... holy crap. But! Now I have pictures for all of you to enjoy! These will be taken off friends filter because some of you wanna see it who aren't my lj friends. Also, I will be posting some pictures under LJ cut, and some linking. I just would rather do it that way. ^.^

I'm going to try and do this by date, so for all of you who wanted pictures of me and Daniel. There are only 2! haha, sucks to be you. Also for people who aren't my lj friends, who just got linked here, or use myspace some of the links to past journals won't work unless you are a friend on lj. So either you have to search through myspace for the links, or tough cookies.


Well as some of you know I went to AWA (Anime weekend atlanta) and got really really sick. AWA was going to be picture fest for us, because I know how Daniel and I don't have many pictures together. We just aren't picture people. So the day before I got sick, Friday, I took a few pictures of us together. We look like such dorks, cause we are. The picture quality is pretty bad since the camera isn't all that great and neither was the light. Oh, FYI these pictures were taken a few days before he asked me to marry him so no ring yet. ^.^ Oh and a lot of these pictures are from Cindy's camera, a girl you will see me taking lots of pictures with later.

One more? It's a big file, be careful!

Yeah, bad quality huh? But hey, I promise when we are back together in the states we will take more pictures. I want to anyway. I'm sick of only have Six Flags pictures to show off. :-P

So it was my journey back to Switzerland, with a ring on my finger. I went back to YWAM Burtigny, now I'm staying in the top floor, second to the left. The one with the windows that look different. lol.

I am now a staff member instead of a student, it's really crazy to think about it. But after 2 days of orination, and a normal class day, we had Swiss Night. It's something I've gotten to be apart of 3 times now. Where they give you tons of cheese, and tell you about Switzerland. Here is our table, and here is a wider shot of all the decorations and people. And me pretending to be serious, two of my students in the background. (Frank and Ben)

Here are some pictures around where we are in Burtigny. This is right behind the base. Just past a small gate, and about a 5 minute walk from the base, it looks like this. And another pretty shot, and another! You'll notice in this picture there are dead sun flowers. Right before I got there they were all blooming. Anyway, I found a beautiful sunflower on the side of the road while I was walking around. I put it next to a journal daniel bought me before I left! ^.^

As you might have remembered from my awesome chart LJ entry, I went to Nyon and mentioned I took pictures with Cindy. I took a bunch. You know I've been here 3 times already and this is the first time I ever took tourist pictures? I know weird.

Cindy is a girl in the class I'm helping with. I had a lot of fun with her looking at the nyon castle, taking pictures of lake geneva, and another one, getting a kiss from these weird stone guys, looking at pretty fountains, being a dork, and riding back on the bus.

And those are all the pictures for now. ^.^

In other news... I'm sick again! ha... isn't that interesting. Aleck, the leader of the school was getting sick and spent the whole weekend trying to get better. While yesterday I started to feel it and now I've got a cold. The whole sore throat, stuffy nose, head pressure, that is just so much fun. Man, I don't think I've ever had this many health problems at once. x.x

Until next time! ^.^
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