Sep 08, 2006 13:46
Wow, I'm really slacking here aren't I? LMAO!
So there was disagreeances with the football pool this year, but it's all settled. There were too many different opinions on it so I just told peeps we were going to do two different ones. One with a winner every week and the other would go back to the usual roll-over amount with maybe three or four winners. Everybody's happy and both pools are filled. At least mine is. I don't know if they're still looking for one other person in the other one or not. Regardless, though, starts on Monday and I've already passed out my half. (A few people will not be here Monday and then once others saw what I was doing, they wanted it. How much you wanna bet I'm going to get a bunch of people on Monday coming up to me? "Er...what were my numbers again?" LMAO Whatever. Men! ;))
Tomorrow I'm helping out with the Lobster Fest. That's going to be fun. :) I had a lot of fun last year and I like to help out in things like that so...woot! :D That'll be lots of fun. Note to self...bring jacket. Got it.
Last night I went out to dinner with Mitzi and that was fun. I forced her to buy Dark Lover in hopes that'll be enough to get her to read it. Better be! Grr... :D Anyone else who has yet to pick it up should. Yep! Lover Awakened was sooooooo gooooooooooooood... omg.... SOB story definitely, but totally worth it. 10/10 for sure. Definitely. Go get DL peeps so you can catch up! ;)
Weds, the 13th, is dry-run for Gridiron Gang. Looking forward to that too. :D Yay Rocky!
The 16th is my day to run around to find the mini-fridge that I want. Speaking of which, I saw one that I wanted and they didn't have it online... But I have a friend that works on said online place. ... ::asks her about it:: Dammit, I should have taken down a number. :/
I move in the following day. I'm really excited but it is kind of depressing. I'm really going to miss my animals. Xillia, Jasmine, Percy...even Shrek, lol. I told Ryan that we could go out once a week if he wanted to. Help him with homework, go to dinner, see a movie... whatever he wanted to go do. I think he won't miss me at first, but then it'll set in. I have to teach him how the IM works again (I'm sure he's since forgotten) so we can chat. :) That'll help him out too.
Then school starts the following day, LMAO. 18th. New year, new quarter. :)
AND THEN, that Thursday, my baby comes home! YAY!!! 13 days from today!! DO THE HAPPY DANCE WITH ME!!! :D!!! YAY!!!! And the best part (or one of them :D) is that his plane is due to arive at 9 in the morning. YAY!!! ... YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!