Jan 06, 2012 10:10

Hi! Two things!

#1 Yup, I moved to Dreamwidth, the next chapter of Kurogirl is already up on Reikah. You can comment using openID and your livejournal account! Mikke and I ALSO created a KuroFai comm and we hope you'll join us for the 2012 Kurogane x Fai Canon vs AU olympics within the next 2 months!

#2 I signed up for THE BEST WRITING CHALLENGE THINGY EVER which is... *drumroll*

yup! expect a 10,000 word fanfic about KUROGANE AND FAI AS WEREWOLVES by april! Sign ups for both authors and artists are still open so i REALLY HOPE some of you cool kids will sign up because A) 10,000 WORDS IN FOUR MONTHS IS DO-ABLE AMIRITE? and B) THERE ARE NEVER ENOUGH STORIES ABOUT WEREWOLVES.

/shameless guilty pleasure
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