Can't.... stop.... writing!! D:

Feb 10, 2010 11:16

Oh well, there are worse things to be addicted to.

Another ficlet for the icon drabble meme I'm working on, this icon chosen by aussiegirl17 .  (I know I should wait until I've done 'em all and post the whole batch together with the friggin' meme itself, and I will!  Just feel like spamming ya all lately.  ^^;)

Title: Didn't see nothin'
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Non-adult angsty fluff with some very mild references to drug use and, of course, some obligatory coarse language from Raph.
Word count: 481

Raph had a secret. Mike was sure of it. Usually, if Raph wanted food, he’d just take it; raid the fridge or snatch any leftovers off a plate. But lately Mike had noticed Raph squirreling away all of the rare left over bits of fish and meat from their meals. Even, Mike suspected, stuffing some of his own dinner into one of the pockets on his belt. And nothing, no curfew, or training run, or even R-rated movie night, could stop Raph lately from ducking out on his own every single night straight after dinner. Even if it was only briefly some nights.

Concerned (yeah, that was it) for his brother, Mike ghosted after Raph one night, secretly following him up onto the roof of a nearby derelict warehouse. Hiding behind an air-conditioning vent, Mike strained his eyes to see what Raph was huddling over in the shadows clustered under a cooling tower. It was some kind of large box, and Mike gasped as Raph pulled out what looked like a crude bong. Did his brother have the munchies?! Swiftly Raph dumped out the old water, refilled it with fresh from a nearby tap, and carefully placed the device back in the box.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Mike inched closer. His jaw dropping as Raph fetched something new out of the box; two adorable little bundles of black fur with huge green eyes that mewled and rubbed lovingly against the hot-heads’ beak, Raph grinning like a goof as he snuggled the kittens. One of the rotten roof timbers creaked under Mikes’ weight. An instant later Mike found himself backed against the parapet wall, Raph glaring at him beak-to-beak, a menacing glint in his eye and no kittens to be seen.

“What the fuck are you doin’ here Mike?!”
“Nothin’! I was just worried about ya and…”
“Good! ‘cos you didn’t see nothin’. Got it?!”
“Uh, okay. Got it! But like, why?”
“It’s none o’ your damn business, now fuck off.”
“But I can help…”
“No. No, ya can’t.”
“I so can! And they’re so cute!! Can’t I help ya, pleeease?”
“I said ‘no’, now drop it. Go home.” Raph stepped away, releasing Mike to turn his back, drop his head.

Mike opened his mouth to protest, but then closed it again, a thought occurring. Quietly he stepped up behind his brother, gently clasping Raphs’ shoulder.
“What happened bro?”

Raph gave an ugly snort, hiding the sniffle. Patiently, Mike waited for him to speak.
“It was my fault. She ran out right in front of my wheel, but I shoulda... If I’d seen her sooner I coulda stopped in time. Or… fuck.” Raph buried his face in his hand, muttered brokenly, “I didn’t want you guys to know.” He tensed, but didn’t shrug Mike off as his brother wrapped him in a hug.
“It’s okay Raphie. They’re gonna be okay.”

meme, fan fiction, michelangelo, raphael, tmnt, drabble!

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