May 06, 2008 18:11
So Is is applying for student housing instead of moving in with me. Which means that I'll have to take an NJ Transit train and then a 1 train for a grand total time of about two hours and total cost of about $18 every time I want to see him-- because, honestly, I know he won't come out here to visit me.
This came about because his dad, who prior to this was having no part in whether or not he went to school, or where, and was refusing to help him pay for college at all, decided that Is HAD HAD HAD to live in student housing. At first he told his dad to suck it, and that he didn't want to do that. But because he never really makes any decisions for himself anyway, literally overnight good ol' dad had convinced him otherwise and now he too is convinced that he HAS HAS HAS to live in student housing.
Because he's technically in General Studies and not Columbia College, he's not eligible for living in the dorms but he can apply for the student housing Columbia has in the form of apartments they lease and then sublease to students. So essentially it's an upper West side Manhattan apartment he pays for through the school. How much they would charge him and what kind of place they'd offer depends on how much they like him and how much they think he needs, but most likely it'd be a very very tiny ass apartment he'd share with anywhere from one to three Columbia graduate students. It would cost a metric fuckton of money, but a lot less than those apartments would usually go for. His dad would be footing the bill, so Is keeps acting like it's not his choice where he lives... Which of course is bullshit because living there would cost several times what it would cost to life with me.
But of course he still expects me to drive cross-country TWICE in a month so he can use me/my van to move his stuff. I'm not sure if I should tell him to move up here himself (see how he does THAT without my help) or stand by my previous I-want-to-support-you-going-to-Ivy-League statements.
On top of this, he has the nerve to complain about how I'm not in Austin already because I'm going to Japan later this month, and how I shouldn't have decided to go on the trip and should've just gone back to stay with him in Austin instead. So, it's okay for him to suddenly go NEVERMIND, I ACTUALLY DON'T WANT TO MOVE IN WITH YOU LIKE I'VE BEEN SAYING I WOULD FOR THE LAST TWO YEARS! IN FACT I'M NOT GOING TO REALLY SEE YOU AT ALL WHILE I'M IN SCHOOL BECAUSE IT'S MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU in the interest of being closer to his classes, but it's not okay for me to go on a trip for ten days with people from my department so that I can get a better medical internship in a couple of years.
The extra fun part? He never wants to leave New York City. He expects to stay there after he graduates. I keep saying, uhh, we agreed we were going to live near NYC not in NYC because living there would be really really hard for me for a lot of reasons. His answer is that I don't have to live with him if I don't want to live there.
So guys, should I transfer to the University of Hawai'i at Manoa? I've already been up here for a year by myself, and now I get to be here for several more years essentially by myself. If I'm not getting what I wanted out of living here (as in, living with him) I might as well transfer to a school that doesn't suck in an area I don't hate.