Feminist psychology and my stepdad on AIM

Feb 11, 2008 22:28

austin_b: moo
princessepyon: doing phych paper
princessepyon: also psych paper
austin_b: 2 papers, you working hard
princessepyon: so... do you find that feelings of superiority and inferiority were often gendered and expressed symptomatically in characteristic masculine and feminine styles, and that these styles could form the basis of psychic compensation and lead to mental health difficulties?
princessepyon: because i do.
austin_b: yeah, I suppose men express themselves in a way that decreases their feelings of inferiority, often at the expense of another gender (or race)
princessepyon: woo
princessepyon: do you also think that societal expectations of women cause them to become apathetic about success and education for fear that being too ambitious will lose them their place in society as a woman?
princessepyon: ... because i do.
princessepyon: and i get to bitch about it in this paper. yaaaaaaaay
austin_b: sounds like you got a good thesis there
princessepyon: actually that's just what Karen Horney and Alfred Adler said
princessepyon: and i'm, uh, agreeing vehemently
princessepyon: i guess
princessepyon: i'm just writing about psychodynamics
princessepyon: i've actually always thought that, and i feel lame now for not knowing that it has been said very eloquently by psychanalysts before XD
princessepyon: because i could've sounded much more convincing in a lot of arguments if i'd had the founder of individual psychology to back me up
austin_b: aw, ignorance isn't lame
princessepyon: is so
princessepyon: no ballot yet, by the way
princessepyon: sigh.
austin_b: well yo not igno now, so dats somewhat unlamefying
princessepyon: XD
princessepyon: Karen Horney was basically like, Freud and his penis envy can kiss my lily white German ass
austin_b: mmm ass envy
princessepyon: hahaha
princessepyon: i think men have ass envy
princessepyon: because they have little flat menbutts
austin_b: men lose their asses after getting it kicked often in childhood
princessepyon: hahaha
austin_b: men more likely have breast envy
princessepyon: men don't have a castration fear, they have an asstration fear
princessepyon: i donno, a lot of women have breast envy too
princessepyon: XD
austin_b: at least they can do something cosmetic.
austin_b: well, i guess men can get fat and have breasts
princessepyon: they can get implants too
austin_b: no brain implants yet
princessepyon: hahaha
princessepyon: face transplants, though

In response to this, my boyfriend said: "Girls have envy that my penis is not in them."

Truer words have ne'er been spoken.

isaac, family, school

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