Because I know the questions, I have to do the meme...

Sep 09, 2008 12:12

1. There are 30 questions.
2. Next to each number, write only the name of the person who fits.
3. Answer one question with one name as many names as you like.
4. Don't tell the questions to anyone who isn't doing the meme.

I don't have a lot of lj friends so some items won't have answers.

And I'm not cutting for the sake of building interest.

1. silverhakai
2. dreamlessness, alexiela, kalendaryo
3. aerish
4. balatstar
5. tonomurajiro
7. menkalinan
8. nitanitachan
9. alexiela, dreamlessness, balatstar
10. balatstar
12. alexiela
13. bakemonokun
14. saintangelius
15. kalendaryo
16. keiohwai
17. mitsuki_hide
18. saintangelius
19. nitanitachan
21. alexiela (and I wouldn't have her any other way)
24. She no longer has an LJ, but it would have to be Cugami
25. You mean other than me?
26. Ehehe...secret
27. saintangelius
28. dreamlessness
29. keiohwai
30. To those I've already seen personally: I miss you!
To those I have yet to see personally: I wish we'll be able to meet someday.


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