Jun 13, 2006 06:56
My maternity leave officially started yesterday. I'm glad I don't have to go to work, with this weather - it's awfully hot, I get all sweaty even if I'm just wearing underwear. This morning I was fully awake at five.
In six weeks, I'll be a mother. Feels weirder eveyday, because I still don't feel ready for this responsibility.
At this moment in their pregnancy, most women give the finishing touches to the baby's room, but I haven't even started, because my husband's sister still has to tell (no, not bring, tell) us what she's going to lend us >_<. Even if she hasn't by then, I go shopping next week though - it's getting more and more difficult to move for me, so I can't wait anymore. My husband doesn't seem to understand that if we don't do this together now, he'll have to do it alone later. Sometimes he really is too phlegmatic.