Apr 13, 2009 18:16
The 3 Facts Note
Here's what to do: Copy, paste in your notes, delete my answers and type in your answers. Then tag a few good friends! The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known things about each other.
Three Names I go by:
1. Laura
2. Chan/ Chan Chan
3. Lui (it's the closest I can come to "daughter" in Chinese) or "La la Ju" (a really messed up version of my name and the word 'pig' because I eat so much??...asian parents are wierd)
Three Jobs I have had in my life:
1.Worksite Wellness Coordinator
2.Health Educator
3.Restaurant Wench
Three Places I have lived:
1. Sarasota, FL
2. Gainesville, FL
3. St Petersburg, FL....I feel so not diverse now
Three TV Shows that I watch:
1.Grey's Anatomy
Three things I enjoy doing:
3.Watching TV
Three places I have been:
Three Colors I like:
1. White
2. Black
3. Yellow/Pink
Three Websites I visit often:
1. www.thepioneerwoman.com
2. livejournal
3. nytimes.com
People that e-mail/call me regularly
3.My mom
Three of my favorite foods
1. Asian - Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Filipino, gimme all
2. Southern!
3. Ethiopian has been a major thing
Three friends I think will repost
1. probably no one
Things I am looking forward to
1. Alaska
2. Watching my savings account grow (I am WAY too money obsessed lately) and paying off debt
3. Pilates Bootcamp-which I am going to right NOW!