Politics in healthcare

Nov 07, 2008 07:44

Now that the election is over maybe we can trash talk slightly less. Just kidding, I'm just writing a very unscientific observation.

Have you ever considered the political distribution based on profession in the healthcare field? I've noticed some trends. Keep in mind my trends wouldn't ever stand up in court, they may not even stand up to livejournal standards. In fact most of the healthcare professionals I know live in Gainesville, FL so it probably doesn't mean anything.

I'm not trying to stereotype or be judgmental. Just wondering if there's a mentality that makes you more likely to choose one profession over another.

Doctors - Pretty much a big mix of both sides from what I see. Despite the high taxes.

Nurses - I know a lot of nurses through work and my roommate who's in nursing school. There's a few lefties but the majority of them are republican around here. I have heard of a few independents however.

Physician Assistants - I don't know of many, just three. And they are all angry hardcore republicans who hate the fact that they live in an area with lots of democrats.

CNAs- I know of a mix, but I can't give too much of an opinion on this one. (Not that there was a huge opinion on the rest either).

Public Health-Being personally from it, most of us get it pounded into our heads that we ought to be on one side. Our conferences are extremely political, and we get dirty dirty looks if you express an opposing opinion. Don't get me wrong, there's still a few rights in our group, and our professors try to be respectful but they very clearly the minority.

Like I said, these are VERY unscientific observations. Hopefully it's not too obnoxious. Your comments are welcome.
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