Nov 01, 2008 12:34
Came home to see my mom this weekend. She had been in China for a month. Thank god she's back. My daddy is really funny and strange. I never realized this but my daddy doesn't know how to write checks. He can do lots of things but most of those things involve physical labor and cooking. While my mom was gone I paid their credit card, utilities, license plate renewals and a bunch of other crap. Thank goodness they don't have a mortgage anymore.
I also spent a lot of time working on picking out my dad's health insurance...and most decisions he my mom. Lots of midday phone calls to my very sleepy mother in China.
He also apparently hadn't bought groceries in an entire month. My parents have a garden and my mom bought a ton of groceries before hand. So after all the food in the fridge ran out apparently he survived by buying Walmart rotisserie chicken and the garden. At least he could cook whatever he had. But he did randomly call me and ask strange things like how to buy ice cream. "Uhmmm it's in the freezer section at Walmart...where you work"
So overall it's a relief that my mom is back.
I had a long and planned chat with them last night about how they couldn't give me pressure about this job hunt. I've been so stressed out over it that I've had a migraine at least twice a week for over a month now. And my parents were giving me a lot of pressure and frustration about it as well. A lot of my asian friends were really surprised that I decided to talk to my parents about this. I think a lot of us are really conditioned to not back talk to our parents and expect them to never understand our lives. Or expect them to just yell at us or deny they are giving us any pressure. We're supposed to just bear it and grin. I can't deny that my parents were like this for most of my life. But the "chat" went fairly well, and they are being much nicer about the job situation now.
So at the very least, even if I don't have a job, I have the metaphorical balls to act like an adult now. =) Whew.