This is taken some time ago, as dated.
Going back to ion makes me a happy girl! I don't mind camping at the toilet cause it's so cool & Something's probably wrong with the aircon there cause it's so cold that you keep wanting to go toilet :/
I had a great time yesterday with weifang, catching up and everything. More of such sessions to come my dearest girlfriend! (:
Anyways, shopping's a god-given grace (: Hahaha, whatever I am talking about. By the way, happy 1st to mr.metal (my braces in case you don't know). You've been a joy to me for the past one year, and I cannot imagine a day without you :(
It's only the beginning of the holidays and I'm awfully broke. Movie/Dinner tomorrow with tennis gang, Movie and insert whatever stuffs you could think of with my OC4 on saturday.
I think I need to drag Daddy for shopping, cause I can't finance myself anymore :(