Aug 19, 2006 00:04
so i know it's only been a few days since my last post.. but i though i'd just drop in to say that i'm home alone on a friday nite drinkin my bourbon of choice (jimmy b:long black), baggin n00bs on CS (, and searchin for hot pics of milla jovovich cos she's hot and i want her as my background pic and 5th elephant is my fave movie, sorry where was i...
um yeah.. carmsie is in sidknee and i gotta work in the mornin so i was gonna have an early night but these jimmy's have heaps of caffeine in them so i'm like a rabbit in headlights. um.. happy birthday Liam.. it's your birthday now.. you've grown up so much.. i remember when you were a lil fella.. oh how the years pass by so quickly.. so yeah happy 3rd bday Liam. :D you're a champ. and Jack.. how could i forget lil boof, happy 2nd bday for the other day.. you're a lil champ too. :D hope ya's like yer tent, tunnel thingy!
so anyway.. back to the issue at hand.. the other day.. i went to fill up my car with petrol and it was only 1.34 p.litre at this station and everyone was lined up to go there.. it was like they were giving it away for free, and then inside the shop they only had one person serving the customers and the line was like 20 ppl deep.. and i thought to myself.. why did i choose this servo? i have a damn fleet card! and then i thought about converting my car to gas and then decided that'd be stupid cos gas will be $2 a litre in the next 5 years anyway, plus gas is smelly and smells like the ring rd fart smell.
And how about that guy, wotzisname? i dunno. i bought a few things today.. finally got the only mindsnare cd i didnt have and the new rise against.. awesome.. and i got the first 2 seasons of my all time fave cartoon, Ren & Stimpy. Love it. And finally i bought a poker table.. it has chip & cup holders and we're gonna use it tomorrow when i own all you poker novices. thats right.. ima gonna take all yer money.
thats all, bye, i'm not writing anymore cos, you'll just look at it and go.. im not reading all that.
BYE, love yas all!