May 05, 2011 17:34
So one (1) Ganondorf is now HEAD OF SECURITY. Which means he has access to the hundred of cameras or so on campus.
He also happens to be a jerk.
You know where this is going.
Therefore, with your permission, I would like you to give me embarrassing situations that you'd love Ganondorf to scold your characters about. Sometimes in private. Sometimes in public. Basically if you've always wanted embarrassing things to be found out, just want to do funny things or want to have fun with this, this is the post to do it so. Yes, this includes doing the dirty in class or something. KEEP IN MIND that Ganondorf is a dick. If you don't mind him being annoying about even the little things like picking your nose or jaywalking or whatever, HE CAN DO THAT TOO. He can make your character's life hell if you let me.
All comments are screened to keep the surprise until it happens, UNLESS you mark on the form you want this to be publicly posted so people can plan based on it, etc.
ALSO. Are you female and want to be a hall monitor? You're in luck, Ganondorf is looking for a few of those. The reason why I am going with females only is because 1) Gerudo King has the mindset that females make better guards then men. 2) Hall Monitor outfit probably. Yeap. I will only pick a handful of these so don't feel bad if I don't end up picking everyone. :3
Rouge, Goose, you get free pass on this. Goose you'll be the only other male in this operation. Congratulations.
Character's Name:
Major events you'd love Ganondorf to find out about: Like if your character is having sex in a locker, doing unthinkable things in the boy's locker room, cheating on a test or something of the like. No major event is too small.
Ganondorf is a dick about tiny little pointless things: Y/N This especially works well if Ganondorf does not like your dude much.
Public post?: Y/N
Just reply to this!