and in my town, you can't drive naked

Jun 16, 2005 19:39

Something I'm still working on. Let me know what you think. *NOTE: part of this was inspired by noah, give credit where credit is due, thats what I say.

These harbored grudges are longing to set sail
These docked divisions, seemingly structured, are ultimately frail
These tides swell as the waters rise
Giving way to the morning skies

Dirt trails leading to roads unpaved
Open waterways damned up for trade
Fading out with an impressive decrescendo
Conforming to the surrounding embargo

Cluttered words carried off by the breeze
An armada of thoughts taken away to the seas
Despite the loss, ardor remains intact
The composite is mixed and waiting to react

p.s. i just made that title up, i haven't really named this yet

I've also been working on this. You can call me lame if you want, but whatever...I felt like writing something a little different.

.last broadcast.
This broadcast is coming to you live
It’s urgent, the skies have turned black
And fire is reining down upon us
Don’t breathe the air, I repeat, don’t breathe the air

Sirens sound throughout
But they’ll never make it to their destinations
They’ll never make it to the victims
No one can save us now, no one can

It appears to be worse than it seemed
The sky has torn open above us
And will engulf us all soon enough
There isn’t much time, I repeat, we don’t have much time

If you can still hear my voice, run for cover
In these last few moments, with these last words I deliver
Remember, in a matter of moments it will all be over
If you can still hear me…it has been my pleasure

Signing off…
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